Any one else got a Raspberry Pi? Pict of mine below:
Popped a 4Gb SD Card that I put a lightweight Debian Linux distro on. Used an HTC phone charger as a power supply and a regular USB KB and mouse. Plugged into my monitor with a HDMI cable.
Web browsing worked OK. Has a few programming tools - something to play with over the summer.
I plan to turn it into a LAMP server and host some sort of website for experimenting with. Watch this space for a url......
OK - here is a little video of it being used as a thin client. Might be a cheap option for a school rdp client?
Been playing around a bit more with this now....
ReplyDeleteThought it would be an idea to see if it could make a cheap thin client. rdesktop works well and by editing the startup file you can make it start straight into a windows rdp login screen. Works well - video is a bit lacking - but not bad.
Next is to write a little script to rerun rdesktop at login - then it will be a fully fledged thin client. Will post vid when I have time.