I recently realised that an easy way to collect and sort Photos and Videos was to use Forms. We had to take photos of every room in the school and have them archived for easy discovery in the event of an insurance claim. So I made a simple form that had the room name as the first question and a file upload question for the next: I linked this to a spreadsheet and added the formula =split(C2,",") to an extra column. This simply splits the list of image urls into separate cells to make them clickable. On a phone, you just load up the form, add the room number, hit the upload button, select upload file and choose Camera. You can then add photos straight from your camera. Took a couple of minutes to setup and no photo organising required at the end of the process. Quite a neat way of uploading photos and automatically organising them. Also useful as multiple people can use the form and upload photos to the same folder and have ...